Annual Meeting Agenda

May 14, 2020 | Posted in Uncategorized | By

This year we’re having our Annual Meeting on Zoom, 11:30 AM on Sunday, June 14. All interested parties are invited! Please RSVP at and you will be given a meeting password or invite.

We’re electing our officers for the year, as well as hearing a wonderful talk by Elizabeth Chew, Executive Vice President and Chief Curator at Montpelier. Please join us.

Lewis & Clark Exploratory Center
Annual Meeting
Sunday, June 14, 2020
11:30 PM on Zoom


I. A Welcome to the Zoom Meeting –Alexandria Searls
II. Introductions and Approval of the Agenda –the Board
III. Approval of the Minutes –Eileen Akers
IV. Financial Report –Malou Stark
V. A Message from the President—Sally Thomas
VI. Recognition of Service, Diana Marchibroda—Sally Thomas
VII. Election of Board Members:

Brooke Asher
Chauncey Hutter
Fran Lawrence
Malou Stark

VIII. Election of Officers

President—Malou Stark
Vice President—Bob Fenwick
Secretary—Eileen Akers
Treasurer—Valerie L’Herrou

IX. Presentation: “The Lost Items of Lewis and Clark”—
Elizabeth Chew, Executive Vice President and Chief Curator,
James Madison’s Montpelier
X. Question and Answer with Elizabeth Chew
XI. Online Social
XII. Adjourn