October 3, 2015 Second Annual Boats & Butterflies Festival
September 14, 2015 | Posted in Uncategorized | By Alexandria Searls
The Rivanna Conservation Society is joining us this year as partners in our Second Annual Boats & Butterflies Festival! We’ll be hosting wooden boat and kayak rides in the Rivanna River with a lifeguard present; we’ll be leading arts and science projects relating to butterflies and pollination at the Center. Kites will also be available… It’s a free family event from 10 AM to 2 PM Saturday, October 3!
Annual Meeting Invitation RSVP
June 16, 2015 | Posted in Uncategorized | By Alexandria Searls
Our Annual Meeting this coming Sunday is open to all interested parties, but you must RSVP by emailing lewisandclark@lewsiandclarkvirginia.org. The meeting takes place at our new location within Darden Towe Park! Come for some or all of the day’s events! Dress: casual. Children are welcome to our Father’s Day activities from 1:30 to 3. See the agenda on this page.
Annual Meeting Agenda
June 16, 2015 | Posted in Uncategorized | By Alexandria Searls
Lewis & Clark Exploratory Center
Annual Meeting
June 21, 2015
1:30 PM-3 PM
Wooden Boat Rides and Father’s Day Activities
Bring Your Children to Make a Father’s Day portrait
We’ll have sittings for children to learn
how to paint an old-fashioned portrait
based on Lewis and Clark renditions
3 PM to 5 PM
Refreshments at 3 PM
Addresses begin at 3:15 PM
I. Greetings from the President, Fran Lawrence
II. Welcome to the Home Front Chapter, Joe Gieck
III. The History of the Lewis & Clark Exploratory Center,
Fran Lawrence and Alexandria Searls
IV. Honoring the Service of Departing Board Members
Amy Hill and Eric Johnson, Alexandria Searls
V. Honoring the Service of Fran Lawrence,
Sally Thomas, Heather Riser, and Alexandria Searls
VI. Approval of Minutes, led by Fran Lawrence
VII. Financial and Construction Reports,
Heather Riser and Fran Lawrence
VIII. Renewal of Board Term
Valerie L’Herrou
IX. Election of Officers
Heather Riser, President
John Conover, Vice President
Chris McLean, Treasurer
Sally Thomas, Secretary
Fran Lawrence, Immediate Past President
X. Adjourn
We Are Now Taking School Group Reservations!
April 30, 2015 | Posted in Uncategorized | By Alexandria Searls
Fall planning is underway! We are taking reservations for school groups of up to 45 students and 5 teachers and parents, beginning in September. Field trips include tours of our full-size historical boat replicas, hands-on activities such as carpentry, boat building, map making, hiking, and Lewis & Clark Expedition games. Fees are $7 per child for the basic field trip, which lasts approximately an hour and a half. Additional time and activities are available, and with your lesson plans we can design custom programs related to history, geology, environmental science, and the arts. Please contact Executive Director Alexandria Searls at lewisandclark@lewisandclarkvirginia.org to make a reservation today, or to receive more information on our programs.
We Did It!!! Our Kickstarter Project Was Fully Funded!!!
February 18, 2015 | Posted in Uncategorized | By Alexandria Searls
Our Kickstarter project, Teaching Children Science through Dance, was fully funded on Presidents’ Day–and we exceeded our goal by 13%! Now we’re preparing to launch the new program at Kid*Vention Saturday, February 21. We’d love to see you there.