Closed to Public Saturday, April 20 for Brotherhood Project!
April 19, 2019 | Posted in Uncategorized | By Alexandria Searls
We will be closed to the public Saturday, April 20th, for the APO Brotherhood Project. We are so excited to be part of this project! UVA’s coed service fraternity APO is coming to build for us! They are building a much-needed and very large addition on our storage shed, as well as wonderful amphitheatre bench seating in our Quarry Classroom! They are adding stairs to the White Pirogue and much, much more…
Tom Tom Event Thursday
April 10, 2019 | Posted in Uncategorized | By Alexandria Searls
Remember, our Tom Tom event at Vault Virginia is Thursday, April 11th from 5 to 8 PM. The Tom Tom Festival printed schedule had a typo! Please come Thursday for our showcase of underwater video!
Friday, April 26 City Nature Challenge Kick-Off and Volunteer Drive
March 20, 2019 | Posted in Uncategorized | By Alexandria Searls
Friday, April 26, 5-6:30 PM, come learn about the City Nature Challenge 2019! We’re going to lead hikes and teach guests how to use iNaturalist, the app that records your observations for the challenge. (The more observations, the more your city meets the challenge! And it just happens to be Arbor Day, so trees will be part of the festivities!) The event is free and a way to learn about how to participate in other free events that weekend.
We’re also introducing ourselves to potential volunteers for 2019. If you’re a Master Naturalist, a Master Gardener, and/or someone with a love of the outdoors and/or gardening, please drop by to learn about us! Refreshments provided!
Photo: Great Blue Heron tracks at the Center!
Save the Date! April 11th at the Tom Tom Festival
March 16, 2019 | Posted in Uncategorized | By Alexandria Searls
The Lewis & Clark Exploratory Center is participating in the Tom Tom Festival this year! Here is the write-up for our event with our partner Chroma Projects.
Immersion / Inversion: A Rivanna River Sensory Encounter is a projected environment where visitors are invited to enter and lay on the floor to experience a gauzy, fish-eye view of the river, gazing up through Alexandria Searls’ award-winning underwater film footage. Alexandria threads in footage captured by children in the Lewis and Clark Exploratory Center’s video journaling workshops. It is a transporting dream-like audiovisual environment enhanced by Morgan McLeod’s sonic water composition.
A Weekend of Films
February 11, 2019 | Posted in Uncategorized | By Alexandria Searls
This past weekend the Lewis & Clark Exploratory Center programs showed up in short films in Richmond, Virginia and in Brisbane, Australia! “Getting Ready for FLOW,” which tells the story of making wooden boats to enter into the Charlottesville River Renaissance FLOW event, was featured in the Australian Wooden Boat Film Festival Friday through Sunday nights.
And closer to home, “A Portrait in Water,” part of the Rivanna River Diaries project, won second prize in the RVA Environmental Film Festival. “A Portrait in Water” is an underwater film we show to participants in our udnerwater filming and photography workshops.